Suede Sneakers made in by Warehouse & Co. Warehouse is known for making some of the best vintage replica garments in the world and their attention to details when it comes to material and manufacturing techniques makes it hard to tell the difference if you compare a Warehouse garment with an actual vintage garment.
These sneakers are made of a beautiful suede quality. The name "crazy" comes from the mixture of three different colors. We really appreciate the bright colors and they are actually easier to combine with other garments than you might first think!
These sneakers are made of a beautiful suede quality. The name "crazy" comes from the mixture of three different colors. We really appreciate the bright colors and they are actually easier to combine with other garments than you might first think!
- Warehouse & Co Crazy Pattern Suede Sneakers
- Made of suede
- Cotton lining
- Rubber sole
- Made of suede
- Cotton lining
- Rubber sole
- Made in Taiwan